Rebranding the broadcasting network, Investigation Discovery.
Investigation Discovery (ID) is a television network that features documentary-style programming dealing with true crime subjects. Keeping the subject matter and mood in mind, I wanted to create an identity fitting for this network.
In the spirit of forensic science and investigating, a logo was created where it is not an easy first read. The logo utilizes the negative spaces the letterforms "I" and "D" make, making the viewer examine and read between the lines as an investigator would. Going off of the logo, the entire identity was fleshed out.
Brand Guideline

Content Posters (12x18)
These posters are treated with a bitmap filter because I wanted it to feel like one was handed a photocopy of the brief and details of a case.

Identity Posters: The Maze (12x18)
Solving cases can sometimes feel like being in a maze. Each new clue can either feel like one step closer to the end, or one step further into being lost.

Identity Posters: Shapeshifter (12x18)
Sometimes testimonies change. These posters explore that theme of changing shape and making things unclear.
